About Christina



Christina is a mother, writer, integrative health mentor, and homemaker. 

She works one on one with clients, offering mentoring and guidance for improving physical and emotional wellbeing.

She is certified in Integrative Health through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition where she studied under world-renowned practitioners including Dr. Joshua Rosenthal, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and many others. Her education and personal experience through health trials allows her to come alongside others with deep compassion, knowledge, and insight.

Christina self-published her book “Intentions” - excerpts for returning to peace, truth and delight - in 2020. Her writing is deeply rooted in seeking out the coexistence of beauty and suffering, as she pens from her personal experience of living with the chronic illness of POTS dysautonomia. She also writes often on her IG account, where you can join her in the journey of seeking wholeness while navigating life, health, and motherhood.

She is a co-host for The Willow Tree Online Podcast, where her husband Stephen joins her in bi-weekly conversations about living with greater wellness in health, heart, and home.

As an Enneagram 4 with a 5 wing, she shares her vast library of acquired knowledge with empathy and unique insight through coaching, speaking, and writing.

If you’re interested in working with Christina or would just like to connect, contact her using this form. Click here to read testimonials from past clients.

“At the end of my days, I want to have been a Willow - a place of rest, empathy, peace, joy, wisdom, and belonging - Creating space where the light floods in, through presence, through writing, through knowledge, and through our home. May we find our willows and become the willows for others.”